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Pre/Post Natal Yoga for Women

Gentle yoga to tone the diaphragm & ease tension in the low back+hips.

22 US dollars

Service Description

This gentle class provides an amazing way for future mommies to prepare for labor during pregnancy and when the time is right, to recover and restore your body and mind after giving birth. For pre and post natal women, healthy breathing makes all the difference. When the breath is working properly, every inhale expands the ribs and drops the diaphragm down. When the diaphragm drops down, the belly expands and relaxes, and the pelvic floor expands and relaxes. The movement of the diaphragm and ribs also relaxes the mid-back muscles and the psoas (a hip flexor that attaches at the ribs). Basically, every inhale allows muscular tension throughout the core to relax fully. On an exhale, the diaphragm lifts up, the core naturally engages, and the pelvic floor engages and lifts. This natural action of breathing creates a healthy resting muscle tone in the core and the pelvic floor. For many women, pregnancy interrupts the breathing system. And this loss of diaphragm functioning can’t be helped. There is simply no room for it to drop down into the body because the baby is taking up that space. And when the diaphragm stops working effectively, the core isn’t working effectively either. Even after giving birth, the diaphragm can continue to function improperly causing continued or worsening pain and tension in the back and hip muscles. This class focuses on gentle movements to restore the natural breath pattern to bring the core and pelvic floor back online. Once the breath is functioning well, so many other things start falling back into place!

Upcoming Sessions

yoga         fitness training         core strength/balance   tone/sculpt         relax/restore       private sessions

humm, 624 Texas St. Suite 209, Shreveport, LA 71101

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